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Chem 308


Introduction to Pertubation Theory

This code combine the behavior of a right well and a left well to describe the behavior of a particle in a new well with a central barrier.

function      Perturb2018
%% PIB example demonstrating the use of the eigenvectors of a simple hamiltonian to understand those of a more complicated one.

%% Define parameters
    v = 6;                                 % number of states to plot per well
    b = 10;                                % central barrier height
    hw = 2;                                % barrier half-width
    pts = 100;                             % number of spatial grid points
    x = linspace(-5,5,pts)';               % discretize space
    dx = x(2)-x(1);                        % space step
    hbar = 1;                              % Dirac's constant
    m = 1;                                 % particle mass

%% Compute Laplacian matrix; boundary conditions = 0
    D2 = -2*eye(pts)+diag(ones(1,pts-1),1)+diag(ones(1,pts-1),-1);
    D2 = D2/(dx^2);
%% Define three potential energy functions as vectors, then combine vectors into one 3-column matrix for ease of use.

    Vvec=zeros(pts,3);  % start with all zeros, 3 cols
    Vvec([1:3, round(pts/2)-hw:pts],1) = b; % change first col to create left well
    Vvec([1:round(pts/2)+hw, pts-3:pts],2) = b; % change 2nd col to create right well
    Vvec([1:3, round(pts/2)-hw : round(pts/2)+hw, pts-3:pts] ,3) = b; % change 3rd col to create central barrier

%% Define a consistent order in which colors are used for wavefunction plots.
    clrOrder = ['b' 'r' ' ']; % color order for plots; auto color for third plot
%% Bring up a figure window and clear it.    
    figure(1);% bring up and clear figure window   
%% Compute energy eivenvectors for each PIB variation and plot them. 

for  well = 1:3
    V = diag(Vvec(:,well));  % make matrix with selected potential energy as diagonal
    H = -(hbar^2/(2*m))*D2 + V;			% Hamiltonian = potential + kinetic energies

% Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, then sort them
   [vecs,vals] = eig(H);
   [vecs,vals] = eigsort(vecs,vals);
   VECS(:,:,well) = vecs;   % store vecs as page in array
   vvals =  diag(vals) ;    % extract eigenvalues from vals in form of vector

% Add eigenvalues to eigenvectors to displace them vertically in prep. for plotting
   mvals = (vvals(1:v)*ones(1,pts))';    % create matrix with repeated eigenvalues as columns
   plotvecs = mvals+vecs(:,1:v);    % add v_th eigenvalue to v_th eigenvector to displace it vertically
    hold on
    plot(x,diag(V),'k',...   % plot V(x) in black
         x,plotvecs,clrOrder(well),...   % plot modified eigenvectors
         x,mvals,'k:')    % plot dotted lines as baselines for  plots
% Add titles to plots     
     if well==1
         title('Left Well')
     elseif well==2
         title('Right Well')
         title('Central Barrier')
hold off

%% Set axis limits for each plot sequentially.
for j = 1:3
    axis([min(x) max(x) min(diag(V)) 1.1*max(max(plotvecs))])% set axes

%% Create basis conversion matrices using left-well and right-well eigenvectors.
    EtoXL = VECS(:,:,1); % From energy to left-well basis conversion matrix
    XtoEL = inv(EtoXL);  % From left-well basis to energy conversion matrix

    EtoXR = VECS(:,:,2); % From energy to right-well basis conversion matrix
    XtoER = inv(EtoXR);  % From right-well basis to energy conversion matrix

    psiL = XtoEL*VECS(:, [1:2.*v], 3); % E eigenvectors in left-well basis
    psiR = XtoER*VECS(:, [1:2.*v], 3); % E eigenvectors in right-well basis

%% Reexpress central barrier stationary states using left-well and right-well eigenvectors as bases.
    indmax = 4;    % truncate E space plots to clarify display
for j = 1:v

    % plot expansion coeffs 1->indmax
    bar3([psiL(1:indmax,j) psiR(1:indmax,j)] ,0.5,'grouped')  % make a 3D bar plot
    view(-90,0)    % fix the view angle
    pbaspect([1 6 1])  % fix the plotting aspect ratio
    set(gca,'XTick',[1 5 10 15])    % show fewer tick marks
    if j==v
        title('Central Barrier Energy Eigenfunctions in Left-Well and Right-Well Bases')