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Chem 308


Creating a Gaussian Wavepacket

This is the code used to create a Gaussian wavepacket to understand the time evolution of a Gaussian wavepacket.

``` Matlab function [x,E,psiX,psiE]=TDSE

% define constants, discritize , then define V and turn into matrix % KE operator as matrix T %H = T + V %n refers to the number of eigenvectors generated

%here are my constants: %m is mass, L is length of box, barht height of barrier, w is the barrier width m = 1; L = 1; hbarsq = 1; barht = 1e6; w=3; pts = 250;

%now account for the delta x and discritize the number of elements in the x vector x = linspace(0, L, pts)’; dx = x(2)-x(1);

%x is a vector that goes from 0 to L separated by some amount, dictated by the number %of points. Vvec is a vector with the dimension of pts entries with one column % now we have points number of entries in the x vector Vvec = zeros(pts, 1); Vvec([1:w, end - (w-1):end]) = barht; Vvec(120:130) = 75;

%We created a vector of zeros, but we just set the first three and the last %three entries (because w=3) equal to some barht (large number, using 1e6) %to model the infinite potential well

%Now we create the potential energy matrix but putting the entries of Vvec % in a diagonal matrix V = diag(Vvec);

%making the second derivative matrix

D2 = (1/(dx^2))(-2eye(pts) + diag(ones(pts-1,1), 1) + diag(ones(pts-1,1),-1));

%now account for the delta x idea by subtracting the first element from the %second element because they will be evenly spaced, and multiply the matrix %by the constants

T = (-hbarsq/(2m))D2;

%here’s our Hamiltonian, which accounts for both the potential energy and %kinetic energy H= T + V;

%now we want to solve for the eigenvalues of the square matrix H [vecs, vals] = eig(H);

%now we sort the vectors and values so that they are plotted in ascending %order of n, but the eigenvalues and eigenvectors stay together [srtvecs, srtvals] = eigsort(vecs, vals);

EtoX = srtvecs; XtoE = inv(srtvecs); %defining an energy space vector which corresponds to the first energy %eigenvector % psiE = zeros(pts, 1); % psiE([1 2]) = 1;

%now set the Gaussian to take up a quarter of the box and shift it over to the left side %psiX = EtoXpsiE; K=4; psiX = exp(-25((x - .25).^2)) .* exp(i.K.x); psiE = XtoE*psiX;

%get the corresponding x values corresponding to the first eigenvector E = diag(srtvals); %set t to get animation with time evolving t = 0; dt = 0.005;

for k = 1:100 psiEt = psiE.exp((-1iEt)/hbarsq); psiXt = EtoXpsiEt;

%normalize these vectors
psiXt = psiXt/norm(psiXt);
psiEt = psiEt/norm(psiEt);

%the probability density would be the normalized psiX * normpsiX
%complex conjugate

% prob = psiXt .* psiXt; prob = 5000* abs(psiXt).^2;

figure(1) % %clf subplot (2,2,1) AW_plot3 (x, 5.*psiXt,1) subplot (2,2,2) AW_plot3 (E, psiEt,10) subplot (2,2,[3 4]) plot(x, prob, x, Vvec) axis([-inf inf 0 100])

% expectation value for position, plotted with a red * xexp = psiXt’ * diag(x) psiXt; hold on plot (real(xexp), 0, ‘r’)

% energy expectation value Eexp = real(psiEt’(srtvalspsiEt)); plot (0, Eexp, ‘b*’) text(50, Eexp,[‘E= ‘ num2str(Eexp)]) hold off

drawnow t = t + dt; end

